Anne de Jongh & Serve Custers won the Delft Tableware Design Competition. They designed a tablecloth and napkins featuring the story of the escape of Hugo de Groot from Slot Loevenstijn. The Jury prized them because of the beautiful graphical way this story is presented. It is a real conversation starter! According to Serve they "tried to combine the art of weaving with a modern design and a fantastic historical story." More about the tablecloth!

The second prize was won by Chandra Pudjiatie & Chetan Shivarama with their design 'Delft trough the looking glass'. This design features 6 coasters on which the map of delft is portrayed with specific landmarks and comes with a glass which magnifies this map so you can 'explore' Delft at the table!

Lute Elting & Drim Stokhuijzen won the third prize with their Pepper & Salt set. Which was prized by the jury for the interaction which it provokes.

Alderman Pieter Guldemond (City marketing & Knowledge economy) thought it was fantastic to see students think so actively about Delft promotion, and hopes that these great designs will soon be found in the cafe's and restaurants around Delft.

Quirine van Walt Meijer (design 'Milkjug'), Barbara Grosse-Hering (design 'Delft Waterlines'), Rudo Koot & Marlies Bouman (design 'The Palet') and Chris Dingemanse & Jan Verschoor (design 'Decanter') were awarded an honerable mention for their entry.


Welcome to the website of the Delft Tableware Design Competition and the Delft Business Gift Design Competition. This website provides you with information about the competition, as well as a quick review of the 2009 Delft Business Gift Design Competition. From the 13th of october you will be able to subscribe here.


The objective is to provide the Delft Catering industry with tableware that portrays the Delft brand. Tableware can be interpreted in the broad sense of the word. From cutlery to plates to chandeliers. Solutions need to be surprising, elegant, simple and/or just plain useful. They must portray a "Delft" feeling, giving the Delft "Brand" as such a strong, innovative and recognizable exposure.


Delft University of Technology

As one of the future distributors and vendors of the designed tableware, the university participates with the help and input of its Marketing and Communication department, and in hosting the BlueDot foundation.

City of Delft

The City of Delft is a partner in this competition to express the special relationship that the City has with the Delft University of Technology, as well as to promote the City in a striking and distinctive way

BlueDot Foundation

This student-run organization is where students can go whenever they have a good idea or product that could possibly be marketed. BlueDot assists them in doing so, and as such functions as a springboard to entrepreneurship in an early stage. Organizing this contest is the main task of BlueDot in this context. For further information, see the BlueDot website at: