Individual Entry

Plakband rol / Sticky tape roll

Product name: DelfTape
Material: Plastic tape
Design: Gabriela
DelfTape is a variant to duct tape (or duck tape), the widely used multi-purpose tape.
Whether it is to make a quick fix or to make a mock-up model, duct tape is a recognized tool in the
creative process of construction.

Not only students and entrepreneurs from TUDelft love the crude power of the tape; use of the tape can be found in
people's homes and in company offices, the use ranging from rather brutal to more sophisticated. Mostly use is
for temporary solutions, but in all cases the solution solved a technical problem in a non-conventional, creative way.
It is this non-conventional and creative aspect, combined with its capabilities in technology, that makes the
product suitable as a display for Delft.
Copyright 2009 T.U. Delft, all rights reserved

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